Unless you've been living under a rock this weekend, you've heard the Twitterverse rise up in anger over the conflict in Syria dissatisfaction regarding how NBC's Olympic coverage has panned out. On the one side, you've got some people whose expectations were not necessarily met. On the other, you've got some people defending the programming decisions and the stability of legacy processes. While I definitely have a point of view, I was looking for some out-and-out context. Enter Susannah Fox (read from bottom up, obv.):

Tweets from Susannah Fox, associate director for the Pew Research Center
data FTW, suckas!

Data is bigger than your licensing deal. It is bigger than your entitlement - as a producer, distributor, or consumer of content. It shines light on what is, as likely as not to dispel your notions of what you would like to have had happen. It is the fuel (but not the guarantor) of good decisions. If it tells you to get out of your entrenched position and do something, perhaps you should.

The moral for you, my elearning jockeys? Analyze. Your. Data.


(P.S.: Hey America - just so we're clear...

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instructional designer | e-learning jockey | erstwhile capoeirista | anthropology groupie | linguist | open source advocate | sangue bom

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