Hey guys,

So...not much here lately, but not for lack of writing. In the near future, I'll be returning to writing about the intersection of learning, performance support and technology...but not just yet. For now, my #writingwhip partner David D LaCroix and I - inspired by both the new #draw21days challenge and Brian Dusablon's commitment to make daily writing a priority - have challenged each other to write something every day for...well, I'm not sure for how long, just yet.

Each day one of us chooses a word or phrase as a writing prompt, and we go with it - written, published and forwarded to the other by midnight, each night (tonight's theme was chocolate; I finished writing at the literal 11th hour). Some of these submissions will be about learning a development, but many will not. If any of the new posts cross over into our side of the street, I'll promptly repost them on this here elearningjockey blog. Otherwise, you can find the rest of my #writingwhip submissions here (the parenthesized words in the subtitles are the challenge word/phrase).


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